Thursday, August 29, 2013

August 29, 2013

Thursday-So one tooth was removed today!  The one that caused all the pain was extracted. I was in the room soon after they were finished and waited for him to wake up.  It went pretty smoothly and Cody is taking his pain meds.  He drank a milkshake and had some soup.  Again, thank goodness for pain meds.  The oral surgeon decided just the one needed to be out so we were spared, thank goodness.
It was a long ride in and an even longer ride home.  We came home to a white bag at the front door.  In it was a tooth made out of paper with a $20 bill inside.  I did not know the tooth fairy came during the day and left money without the tooth.  And to a 20 year old too!!  We are loved and very lucky!!
So glad today is over and we are on schedule for chemo on the 9th.

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