Monday, December 31, 2012

Dec. 31, 2012

Happy New Year.  As I sit here alone, my choice basically, I reflect back and really am thankful for what I have.  (Cody is in Canada visiting his dad and Casey is in GA.)  Cancer changes life in every way and it will always be different.  I know that I have a lot to overcome but each days gets easier. I do not constantly yell at Cody to drink anymore, for fear of dehydration which would land us back in the hospital.  It is there but it gets easier somehow.
We are trying to get to the bottom of his eye issues.  They are drooping and basically all tests are normal.  He had neurological testing last week and there is some nerve damage in his feet from the chemo but the eyes are good.  So we are looking into cosmetic surgery to lift the lids.
I am trying really hard to help Cody in the social world.  He has been out of it for a long time and it takes time getting that back.  He commutes to school so that does not always lend itself to the best of friendships. It will come, I know.  I help where I can.  Time...
Please keep my friend's niece in your prayers. She is battling a rare form of bone cancer and getting some strong chemo.  She is a sweet girl and having a very tough time.  Add Meghan to your prayers.  Thank you.
For now, Happy New Year.  Stay strong and healthy my friends.  Don't forget to add Casey to your prayers too, he deploys again in the upcoming weeks.

Friday, December 14, 2012

4 years, Dec. 14. 2012

I cannot begin to explain this feeling I have.  I woke you up this morning to see a HUGE smile on Cody's face.  Four years ago we spent this day at Huntington hospital only to end up at Schneider's with a leukemia diagnosis.  This past year has been a good one for Cody.  I do not think there have been any overnight hospital stays and Cody has  been gaining weight.  I think our biggest concern is the drooping eyelids which bothers Cody a lot.  We are on the path to getting this fixed.  The school year has been a much better one for you and I am pretty confident he did good this semester. Unfortunately there has been a huge tragedy here in CT.  A gunman went into a school and killed a large number of kids and teachers. It is unbelievable.  Very scary and sad to say the least.  My heart hurts for the families and teachers affected.
With that, I leave this blog with Cody's facebook post: 4 years ago today i was told that i has leukemia. And to think it would lead to a stem cell transplant, feeding tubes, brain swelling, and make my blood type change is crazy! 4 years strong and Im gonna make it 100 more!!!