Saturday, March 10, 2012

March 10, 2012

It has been about a month since I wrote..things are good!!
We had a nice visit with Casey and Nicole. The three of them went skiing in Canada and visited their dad. We had some good laughs here and the visit was too short. Not looking forward to hearing that Casey is leaving. He is going overseas again.
Cody just came down with strep. We were actually not sure what to do when he spiked a fever. So we called Sloan and then were directed to go to a dr out there. We went to PM Pediatrics which is wonderful. I do need to find him a dr out there now. He has a functioning immune system so we are good to go out there. I have an upper respiratory virus and am under the weather. I got the stomach virus the day the Feb vacation started and now this. I never get sick!! I think this weather is too blame and too many are walking around sick! I had to miss Friday which is so unlike me. I am exhausted but should be good by Monday, hoping anyway!
So next month we go back to Sloan on the 11th and then we meet with the long term follow up dr. Big day of appts for us. Looking forward to some nice Spring time weather too!