Monday, June 8, 2009

Day 3 June 7, 2009

Today Cody was considered neutropenic. . Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that fights against infection. The ANC (Absolute neutrophil count) is calculated from measurements of the total number of white blood cells (WBC), usually based on the combined percentage of mature neutrophils (sometimes called "segs," or segmented cells) and bands, which are immature neutrophils. Neutrophils are key components in the system of defense against infection. An absence or scarcity of neutrophils (a condition called neutropenia) makes a person vulnerable to infection. After chemotherapy, radiation, or a blood or marrow transplant, the ANC is usually depressed and then slowly rises, reflecting the fact that the bone marrow is recovering and new blood cells are beginning to grow and mature.
Cody received platelets today.
We had our first visitors today and Cody enjoyed that for sure!  Thanks Lauren and Sue!!  XOXO
Today the food of choice was ham and crackers.  I was able to find the one Cody could have.  His diet has changed due to the risk of infection from anything prepared outside of the hospital.  I had to get packaged ham as opposed to deli fresh cut from a slicer.  We are trying to make sure he does not get an infection from anything.

The foot pain was back during the night and caused interrupted sleep.  

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