We got to Sloan nice and early. We checked in and went to meet the rehab dr only to be called back to the 9th floor because his platelets were low. The dr called us in. I had emailed him last night asking him to please talk to Cody. He is not understanding the seriousness of this. Dr. Wexler explained that the tumor in the colon grew on the outside and has worked its way through. The very serious concern is the hole that will be there once chemo kills it. This would cause bacteria to enter his body. He said he is waiting to discuss with Dr. Laguaglia, the surgeon. It will need to be taken out and we are not sure whether a colostomy bag will be in place. They are discussing it today and should get back to us later today. Cody is neutropenic which means : Neutropenia, occasionally spelled neutropaenia or neutropoenia, from Latin prefix neutro- (neither, for neutral staining) and Greeksuffix -πενία (deficiency), is a granulocyte disorder characterized by an abnormally low number of neutrophils. Neutrophils usually make up 50-70% of circulating white blood cells and serve as the primary defense against infections by destroying bacteria in the blood. Hence, patients with neutropenia are more susceptible to bacterial infections and, without prompt medical attention, the condition may become life-threatening (neutropenic sepsis).
This means while he is neutropenic his diet has to change. Basically no raw anything, no fruits or veggies with skin. No aged foods, like cheese. Nothing cooked outside the home.
Kinda makes life a little difficult but we can deal. We did it before and can do it again.
I will update later if we get more news.
Thanks, guys...xoxooxo
ReplyDeleteToo much for anyone to handle! I often found it hard to understand all the information that was thrown at us when we sat with the doctors. There are so many emotions and fears running rampant and it is so much to process. I hope Cody won't have to deal with a colostomy bag but if he does, it will hopefully be for only a short period of time. Please let me know how I can help. I am here for you both, can deliver movies, books, food, whatever you need. I think of you both and send my best, strongest healing vibrations your way!
Thank you sweet friend...xoxoxox