Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 15 and 16

Monday: got to Sloan nice and early. My brother, Roy came in last night.  Cody got all situated and we got him comfortable so he could do the MRI. It went much smoother. Thank goodness. Then we had to wait until the mediport procedure. Because he is technically an adult, we were able to go to the rec room on the 15 th floor. It passed the time. He had fun playing foosball with his uncle. Finally at 3:30 we were called down to surgery only to wait there much longer. He went in at 6:50. I guess Roy and I saw him around 8:15. He did well. He woke up and we were in a taco place up the block by 9 pm. He ate 4 tacos and felt great. Just a little sore.
He crashed immediately when we got to the room.
Tuesday: we got to Sloan at 7:30. We met Dr. Meyers, another dr on the sarcoma team. He told us that the MRI did not really give them much more info. I did speak to Dr. Kernan, his transplant dr, she came to visit. She says there is something there in the large intestine. They need it know if it is inside pushing out. One concern is that chemo will leave a hold there which could cause bad infection  from bacteria in the bowel and it leaks because of the hole created from the chemo. If it does make a hole, he will need to have that part of the intestine removed.
He had the chemo and did well. No nausea. He ate a good lunch and dinner. He slept a good part of the morning.
We have so much support here. We know so many. I do my best to stay together when I am with him. But the second, I walk away, I lose it. We saw a family here we knew. She was speechless. It's so hard. Cody keeps me smiling so I stay with him.
Thank you for checking in with us.
Thank you for all the texts, emails and phone calls. It all helps
Casey and Nicole come on the 25th. My dad is going to come for the next round of treatment. He wants to be here when he can help.
Again thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Mary,

    I hope as you do that it is nothing horribly serious that is detected in or near Cody's intestines. He has great support from his friends and family and most of all from you. I send every healing breath, vibration and thought to you both and if I was a person who prayed, you'd have them all. If I had the ability to work magic, I'd send it your way, too.

    I am sorry that you both have to go through this horrible, terrifying experience again. Please call on me if there is anything that I can do.

