Friday, July 19, 2013

July 19 , 2013

Friday- we had an ok night.  Cody was able to take a shower.  He had to wait because of the mediport stitches.  I think he took 4 showers between yesterday and today.
We got to Sloan around 9:30. He had to be accessed which means the needle into the mediport so he could start his IV for the colonoscopy.  He got called in rather quickly and did not want me or his dad to go in.  I think he is trying to be strong especially in front of his dad.   His dad left at that point.  Cody was texting me from the back but I never asked if he wanted me.  I have to give him some independence.  I am trying and it is hard.  They finished rather quickly and then I was called back as he was waking up.  We were waiting for the dr to come in that did the scope.  I saw another dr walk by.  He was Cody's gastro dr and actually did my suspicious colonoscopy maybe last year.  H was shocked to hear the news.  So they did see a tumor outside the colon,  It was definitely not a polyp.  The dr took a few biopsies and tattooed the area so it could be monitored.  She was hopeful in that chemo could and should be able to take care of it but she was not sure.  The colorectal oncologist would be looking at the pictures and also the sarcoma team.  On the way home, we had just left and was about to get on the LIE and one of the drs called. He almost sounded like we should come back but just wanted us to be sure that if any fever or pain developed we are to call right away.  It is always scary coming home.  I am trying to give Cody his space but it is hard.
It was really hot in the house, only window units and they were not doing the trick.  Finally it got cooler upstairs in my room and we watched a movie.  I think he loses steam by the end of the day. He is having some jaw pain which is from the chemo.  He just lies around. .  I am attempting to sleep upstairs and leave him be.  He will call or yell if he needs me.
My heart hurts for him.  He has missed so much and was just getting his life in order.  He is feeling depressed, I know.   The dogs make him happy as does his fish tank.  I keep the comedy movies handy and these make him laugh too.  Casey and Nicole come on Thursday.  Cody's cousin and uncle are coming tomorrow and we will see some friends.  Have to stay busy.....thanks for checking on us...xoxoxo

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