The nausea passed after a few meds and he was good. We were on our way home and decided to stop at Victor's because I was dying for pizza. Cody sat with me and then he ended up having an accident. Rather than have him walk and be even more embarrassed, I got the wheelchair out of the car and he just sat in it and I wheeled him out. Not mess in Victor's. I got him home and cleaned him up. He is still having that 99-100 fever. We relaxed at home, well sorta and then his fever did go up to 100.5. I made the call and we drove back to Sloan. Cody was very upset and said he was sorry for making me deal with all this. We got here and they did lots of bloodwork. The news is not good for right now. His kidneys are functioning at half of the capacity right now. The antibiotic level is too high and it was stopped. They are giving him lots of fluids to flush out the toxins. He said the kidneys will bounce back so let's hope. This is all so upsetting and we have really had enough. We need a huge jump right now. Keep the prayers coming. We love you all and thanks for ALWAYS stepping in.
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