Sunday, July 25, 2010

july 25, 2010

Sunday-Cody had a pretty good night. It took me until around 11:30 to get to sleep. There was a lot to do here and to unpack. He is still dealing with his anxiety over this tough week and he called out to me in his sleep. I run in and he is sleeping. I did a lot this morning, getting pills for the week ready, opening mail, unpacking and made a few phone calls. Then I finally got myself showered and got him up and ready to get out. We ran a few errands, in and out of the car. We went to the Five Guys burger place, his choice but once there he did not want to eat. We ran into the mall and he walked a bit. He got a new video game and we were on our way back home when it got really dark. We made it to the car just as the first drops were falling. We got back on 110 and were heading home when Cody needed to vomit. I pulled over and caught it and then the skies opened up. We were sitting in the car after he felt better and watched the storm. It looked like it was actually too dangerous to drive. We drove home when it sorta let up. He felt better and so I went to the store to get a few things. Cody called me while I was there and wanted burger stuff but did not want one when I got home. He ate a salad and some popcorn. All stayed down. We watched a few shows on TV and had a fun evening. He went to bed and is a little warm, 99. Hoping this stays and does not spike. He is nervous and the tears came with hugs too. This week was really tough and was a setback for him mentally. I feel really bad about this. I have to get him back up somehow and I will.
Hope everyone was ok with the storm here on Long Island....

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