Monday, July 26, 2010

July 26, 2010

Monday-Well, today started out great..I ran to do a few errands and got home just before noon and for the first time in over a year, Cody woke up by himself and got out of bed and was in his TV room playing video games when I returned like 20 minutes later. I was so surprised. So happy. I thought he was feeling pretty good but he kinda started to not feel so good later. He was nauseous at one point while we were waiting for his grandparents. Then they got here and he was ok but during dinner he did not eat and had to leave the table. He was nauseous again and just had to go to the bathroom. We took a ride down by the beach and he was very quiet in the car. He was 99 tonight but said he was just tired but did not feel himself. We go in tomorrow and I am anxious to hear what they say. I hate him feeling this way. Tonight he did talk about food and thinks he know what he wants to eat. He says he might want a hot dog. :)
He had a good visit with his grandparents and hopefully he will have a good night.

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