Saturday, July 24, 2010

July 24, 2010

Saturday-Today started out good and ended good but was rough in between.
The drs came in nice and early and their goal was to get us home. They gave Cody the once over and all things checked out.
Cody tried to reach to put his shirt on and then right after that, he had chest pains or so we thought. He let me know he was in pain so I called the team back in. His lungs sounded clear but he bought himself a chest xray. I kept saying I thought it was muscular and that he was not up all that much. Those beds are supposed to be good, they inflate and circulate so that you do not get bed sores. So much for leaving in the morning. We got for the xray at 1:30. Not long after that, we hear the xray is clear so it must be muscular. But unfortunately, upon further examination, it looked like his new picc line was not in the proper position. I got a bit annoyed because we would not even know this if Cody did not say his chest hurts. But the bottom line was that it was noted so something had to be done. Surgery was busy and reviewed the xrays. The passed them on to Integrated Radiology, they are the ones that placed it. They decided it needed to be positioned correctly. We just got through a dressing change that was bloody and painful and now Cody was in tears again. It sounded a lot worse than I knew it would be but you cannot tell Cody that. We gave him a valium to help him relax a little. We watched some comedians on ITunes and waited. Finally around 6pm the IR guy came and had to unwrap it again and just pull it out a centimeter and a half. Thank god it was not all that painful and Cody was fine. He perked up and was pretty chatty on the ride home. We went straight to Subway and he ate a little. We came home and he went to bed. As I was kissing him goodnight, he apologized for all that he put me through this week. So unfair right now. It was a tough week, yes but we got through it and will get this infection out of here. The MRI was canceled for tomorrow because of the contrast it needs and we have to call Monday morning to reschedule.
What a week and so good to be home! Thanks again to all those that stepped in. Moira, thank God for you...Xena does not know how lucky she has it! Thank you...oxoxoxox

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