Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Feb. 5, 2014

Wednesday…snow day!
Easy week for me but shoveling this heavy snow is hard work.  Thank goodness for my GREAT neighbors that help out each and every time!  We are lucky!!
Cody is feeling pretty good.  I know deep down he is worried because he drops questions and thoughts every so often.  I will keep encouraging him.  He goes on Friday for a blood check.
Mom is is day to day.  Thank goodness my brother is there.  He is doing a great job!
Thanks for checking in on us!

1 comment:

  1. The snow sure was heavy and I shoveled it twice thanks to the plow that chose our driveway and a neighbor's driveway to push the snow into! Hurray for me! I am so sorry that Cody is scare and I know you are, too. If his counts are coming up, that is good and if he's feeling well, that's great! I will keep you both in my thoughts as always and send you hugs, love and healing thoughts.

