Saturday-Loved being home today with my boy. Just wish they were both here! I did get to talk to Casey yesterday so that made me happy.
We got home last evening around 7 and just relaxed and unpacked. Cody looks good and feels good other than being tired. I am so glad I have the week off to be here with him. We go back Tuesday for bloodwork and we will drop off a urine sample to his kidney specialist. He is still have protein in his urine so we need to figure out a plan. The medication to treat this is actually a blood pressure med, to lower pressure and we do not need that! Guess the drs need to chat.
Mom recovered as much as she can from this last heart attack. Her mental state is better and she is losing the fluid. This will keep happening and just not sure how long her body can endure all the trauma.
Hope all my teacher peeps enjoy the week off! Phew we need it!! And think-NO MORE SNOW!
ReplyDeleteLove up that boy as much as he will allow and enjoy the slower pace of the break! I am glad you are together and will keep my fingers and toes crossed that all the blood work brings good news. Hugs and kisses to you both!
Thanks, Diane…xoxoxox