Sunday, January 26, 2014

Jan. 24, 25, and 26th...

Cody has been feeling very tired lately.  He is not taking pain pills so I know his blister feels better and is healing.  His appetite is not so great so I am worried about that.  Trying to offer a milkshake every day but he is not wanting it.
We did not do much until today, Sunday.  We ran a few errands and he was at the race track all day.  I drove him there.  The guys were all there and he was happy to see them.  Cody pointed out the new car/kit that he wanted and has to start saving for.  It was his plan for his Christmas present but he used his money to upgrade his fish tank.  We have a long way to go for that.  The owner of the track, Don, told him he needed to talk to him.  He pulled him aside and told him about a bunch of guys that chipped in and now the car kit was his!!  I knew about it and kept it a secret which is huge for me!  Cody stood there speechless and kept saying 'are you sure?'  Don said t was an early birthday present for Cody!  What a great bunch of guys and also Don's ex wife who works there too.  They paid for the car and it was a hefty price.  He is one lucky young man!  So in addition to racing, he sat there and started to build the car.  I think he will hit the pillow and be out tonight.  He will probably be sore too!  He has a lot of work to do this week.  He wants to try to have to car ready for the trophy race this weekend.
On Wednesday Cody will be the honored guest at the Islander/Ranger game.  It is an outdoor game at Yankee Stadium so we will be freezing.  He is very excited!
Tomorrow is blood work here in Commack and hoping for a quiet week.  Chemo will resume next week on the 3rd.
Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend.
PS. My mom came home on Friday.  Her sisters are there with her.  There is not really anything they can do until she gets herself stronger so she can go through surgery.  Tough times right now.

1 comment:

  1. Mary,

    It's so wonderful how many people are so kind, thoughtful and generous to help Cody and you on a daily basis. Can't wait to see the big doings at the Islander game. Outdoors? Holy shit!!!! Fingers, eyes, toes and other parts are crossed for excellent blood work results and enough warmth to keep you both going. I hope your mom is well and strong soon.

