Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Jan. 15, 2014

I feel bad for Cody.  The radiation is causing so much pain and now constipation.  He is very sore.  It burns from the inside out.  His front and back areas are affected.  When I woke him up for his pills, he said he was calling his dr today.  I came home on my break to check him.  No fever but he was not feeling very comfortable.  Once his dr called him back, he was told to come in.  His dad was around today so he took him.  He got some new meds, laxatives, flagyl and some creams for the radiation site.  He has 3 more days of radiation but it will still be tender for a few weeks after that.  Today I asked him why he was so mad at me and his reply was that he is mad at everything.  I think he is so irritable because he cannot get comfortable.  He is scared about his prognosis.  He is worried about the chemo dose being less.  He knows his body cannot handle the larger dose.  I feel bad for him and I am scared too.
Thank goodness I work with such great people.  I came in this morning and cried.  My co workers were there as they ALWAYS are.   I made it through the day.  It is really difficult some times, a lot of times.
Tonight wishing my family were closer….missing Casey LOTS, wishing family lived closer.  Love all of the phone calls and texts and emails.  Again, thank goodness for my friends here.  Love you all.  Praying for a quiet night.

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