Sunday, January 5, 2014

Jan. 4-5, 2013

Not much to report…and that is a good thing.  Cody is doing well, no pain meds today.  He got to take his long shower and that was awesome.
Yesterday we got out a little but today just chilling at home.
Cody will go in tomorrow to meet his dad.  Thanks to Jean's fiancé, he will have a ride in.  I hate that I am not there.  I will be going to work tomorrow and it will be nice to see everyone.  I will go in probably on Wednesday to have dinner with Cody and then on Friday to bring him home! Friday can't come soon enough.  I hate these weeks…

1 comment:

  1. Mary,

    I hope that Cody's treatment will soon be over, that his results will be outstanding and that you will never face anything remotely like this again. I am so glad that he is feeling pretty well and that you are enjoying the snow from indoors. I hope the week passes quickly for you both.

