Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 6, 2010

Saturday-Today there was no fever. VERY happy about that. Cody got out this morning and just sat in the backyard in the sun for a little while. It was nice and warm. We left for the hockey game around 1 and had a great time. The Islanders did not win but it was a good game to watch. And of course, we got to go downstairs post game and see the players, mainly Richard. Cody knows a lot of the PR people there and he calls out to them when they see him. It makes him feel so special. He really feels comfortable there and loves seeing the team. We get to see other players while we are waiting for Richard and some of them come up to him and say hi and ask him how he is. Then we get to go down the hall a little ways and 'hang' with Richard. He is a super nice guy and so personable. Cody wore one of the sweatshirts he gave him to the game and he noticed it right away. He always wears Cody's bracelet too. We are so lucky to have Ann, our connection girl and she always hooks us up and we get the good seats. Thanks, Ann! We got home and we were both pooped. It was a perfect day! P.S. We got to meet Sparky before and after the costume. He is a good guy too!

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