Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March 17, 2010

Wednesday-Happy St. Patrick's sure was a nice one! Today Cody had 2 tutors but the one in the afternoon was actually not feeling well so he did not come in. We were outside for a little while today and he enjoyed the sun and visited with neighbors. He had a good day and feels pretty good. I left him to run errands a few times today and he was fine here alone.
Today I got an email from a parent of a student I had last year. It was really sad that I left becuase I shared a birthday with this particular boy. I was hoping to be back or at least come in to say Happy Birthday to him but never made it. So the email said that the parent's friend registered with the bone marrow registry last year at the drive for Cody. This friend was called and is a possible donor for a 2 year old boy! She said it happened becuase of the drive for Cody. I am so touched by this. I told Cody and he felt equally as touched. What a beautiful thing. I am waiting for my call! I donate blook every 56 days. That first night at Schneider's with Cody was so scary and watching him get a blood transfusion and platelets was even scarier. Little did I know how many times he would come to need blood and platelets over the course of this year. And to think I thought this was the hard part. It is such an easy thing to do and yes, the pokes are no fun but you can really save someone. I donate whole blood, the platelets, red blood cells and the plasma are separated and go to those that need it. It helps so many. To see these kids walking around the hospital with units being transfused really makes you think differently and makes you want to donate. (I will go with you, Picarello!)
I hope the luck of the Irish was upon each and every one of you was a good one for us!

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