Monday, February 22, 2010

february 22, 2009

Monday-We both woke up very rested but the day exhausted us. We got the clearance to start eating. So around 12 we started with plain rice. Well, we all know how plain rice tastes and it brought on the tears. I know he was expecting something so much more. He tried a few bites of banana which I am very proud of. He has never liked bananas. He tried broth I made with a cracker. It was all too bland and he was so upset. Finally we left to take a ride and then go to physical therapy. He had emailed the doctor and she said he could try baked chips and/or a baked potatoe with chicken. So we left physical therapy and went to get the chips. He ate 3 of them and seemed ok so far. It is such a tough process and it is hard to deny your child food. It is all he wants and so hard to not be able to provide it. He is really doing well and being strong but he is so upset. So we got all set up so he could go to bed at 8. We have a very early day tomorrow with lots of appts at Sloan. He is getting the EEG tomorrow too. I am waiting until 10 to do his finger stick and I am crashing too. Hope this weather is not so bad for us...have a good night.

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