Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November 12, 2014

Riding home after a long day. Met with Dr. Wolden. She is the radiation dr. She said Dr. Wexler asked if she could radiate Cody's lungs to help dry up some of the fluid. So on Monday we will add that.
A new seizure drug was added due to the mini seizure he had on Monday.
We met with surgery team and the plan went as followed. Dr. Heaton, who is another amazing dr there, removed 800 cc's of fluid. He said the tube kept getting clogged so we pulled it out. Cody was very nervous but I was there the whole time.  We will check and of course he will be closely monitored.
I am scheduling hospice but we keep getting home too late so trying again for Friday.
Thanks for checking in on us.


  1. Mary,

    i am stumped at what to say. I was feeling encouraged when I saw the word hospice. I will email you some suggestions on dealing with them. My love and heart to you both.

