Another restless night. It is hard for Cody to get comfortable. We started on the couch sitting up, then went to lying down, then went to his bed. Today we increased the pain patch and yesterday I doubled the oral pain med. He finished 9 rounds of the brain radiation. Tomorrow he is finished with that. The 5 days of the lung radiation begins tomorrow. I also have hospice coming tomorrow. He seemed ok with the conversation today and I think he knows it will offer help.
Casey is here and helping and I know it is hard for him. He is going through his own stuff too.
I am enjoying all the support and visits from all of my family and friends. It is all overwhelming but good to have everyone around.
Actually sitting here waiting for my dad.
Cody just got a call from Mark Messier, a Ranger player. That was special for sure.
Thanks to the Scarpati family for arranging that!!
Sending love and strength, wishing and hoping for positive results from the radiation. No one should have to learn what we've learned or experience what we have.