Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014

So yesterday Cody did not move off the couch except to go to the bathroom.  He just did not feel well.  He was exhausted.  Today, the same.  He is still having jaw pain.  He was up early and got blood work and we did not hear back and he does not want to call.  Guess we will hear in the morning.  I suspect we will be in before Thursday but you never know.  He ate a nice dinner tonight and I am pushing the ice cream.  He is crabby but understandably so.  Here's to a good night for all.


  1. Mary,

    I apologize for not responding sooner. My head is spinning as we approach the fundraiser at City Winery. It is understandable that Cody is so tired and wiped out. He's been through so much and I hope with all my being that all this will be a bad dream really, really soon.

    Sending you love, hugs, good vibrations and strength, laughs and patience.


  2. I wish we could come to the fundraiser, well, next year! Just too much for him right now. It sounds amazing!!!
    You are too sweet. Thank you!!! Try to enjoy yourself!!
