Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Best news we have had in a long time!  Cody's tumor is dead tissue and there is no evidence of cancer. The treatment is working.  The challenge now is to keep the cancer away.  We could not be happier!!  While I was at work, I was in on the conference call with Cody, his dad and the doctor.  Some parts were hard to hear and I will need a discussion again but I did happen to hear what I needed!
Cody's platelets are still recovering so chemo will wait until Monday.  So he has a nice little break to celebrate.
The love and support from each and every one of you is amazing! I am so blessed.  I know there are lots of you praying and you have your extended families doing it too.  We feel it!  My son is an amazing fighter but with your help, he succeeded.
He has a long way to go, more chemo and more scans in 3 months.  He will do it!  We need to keep this cancer AWAY!
Thank you all, near and far, family, friends and those we do not know.  We appreciate all of you!  XOXOX

1 comment:

  1. Mary,

    I am so happy for you and Cody (and of course, Casey and Nicole, too!) I hope with all my heart that you never have to hear the word cancer ever again as it pertains to your children.

    Enjoy the weekend, love up your boy and your dogs and have a few or many glasses of wine to celebrate! I rejoice in your good news!

