Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thursday, Dec. 12, 2013 4pm

What a scary day!  So let me see if I can get it all down.  So once we got here, Cody's temp was 102.6. He had one of those seizure activity episodes (and because of the ones during the night) so an EEG was ordered STAT.  That went on for 20 minutes.  His fever then spiked and peaked at 105. 3.  Two peripherals (IVsg  in the hand and arm) were accessed.  It was not easy finding a vein but one of the nurses got it after 3 tries.  Then I stepped out to get him a drink and I come back and he is shaking.  Trembling to be more correct.  That was the peak of his fever.  Another antibiotic was started.  He was out of it and near tears.  He was really scared.  I know this because he was not pushing me away.  Oxygen was started to keep him cooler.  He finally got to take a nap and woke up and ate an ice pop.  He was actually sitting and talking.  His temp was coming down.  Finally just a little while ago, and after lots of tylenol, he has no fever.  The neurologist just came in and said they EEG did show some seizure activity.  It is most likely related to the fever but she wants to increase the anti seizure med.  We will do it gradually and there should not be a huge side effect other than maybe a little tiredness.  I am hoping the keppra helps as he is nervous about it. So he is being admitted and let's hope the fever stays down!  Thank you to everyone for being in touch and caring about us!  I mean that!

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