Saturday, December 14, 2013

December 14, 2013

That had to be the longest 24 hours yet.  Just found out that Casey shipped out.  My heart is jello.  I think with that hitting me and the reality of how sick Cody was, it will make for an emotional one for me today. Might be holding back on the phone calls to keep the tears in.
Well, Cody woke up without a fever which is a good sign.  He slept well without chills and woke up in a good mood.  He ate before bed and had a visit last night from Caitlin, the IV receptionist that is always there for him and comes to hang with him when she finishes work.  That is what she did last night.  Cody was all smiles!!  Sweet girl.  She is 27 but a young 27 and there is definitely a crush between them.  I was happy for him.
We are waiting for the drs.  I actually think they came in early but we were both sleeping.  There were no beeps during the night as you have a nurse outside your room so she was on it.  I got out of bed once to help with the bathroom and that was it.  Definitely needed sleep but doubt if I will ever catch up.
I will post again later if anything new arises.  The plan from yesterday is to use the mediport with antibiotics and see how he reacts.  They will be looking for pressure drops and fever.  Praying that goes smoothly.  Don't think we will be going back to Sloan today but maybe tomorrow??
Thank you all and enjoy the day…it's snowing here in NYC.

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