So Wednesday was a long day. I took half a day and drove him in for bloodwork and radiation. Blood results indicated he needed a unit of blood and a unit of platelets. We were on a rush to get them in before radiation at 6. We got to radiation at 7:30 and were done in minutes. We got home around 9 and I was exhausted. While we were eating, Cody was cold but did not spike a fever.
This morning I woke up to get ready for work and checked him. I always just put my hand on his head and then I use the thermometer if needed. Well, he was burning up, 102.6…so here we are. He slept in the car and we are starting antibiotics and cultures. We know the drill, unfortunately.He just goes down fast. It was a gridlock alert day and rush hour so it took us a while to get here. He asked for a wheelchair to get him upstairs. Once we get here and are checking in, he tells his nurse that he had 2 episodes of the seizure activity during the night and one made him nauseous. He had one in the car too. So right now he is doing an EEG to check his brain. One thing about MSKCC, they are on it!! Looks like he will be admitted for a few days especially that he is neutropenic and has a fever. I have neglected everything the past few weeks and was looking forward to a quiet weekend. Everything can wait.
I will update if I have anything new to write…still waiting for the call to say Casey left. He is still here as of this morning.
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