Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2013

We had a good day with Casey and Nicole on Tuesday.  They came to my school and met all the kids. Casey looked so handsome in his uniform.  Cody was not feel 100% and was not really wanting to eat. I felt something was brewing.  We all hung out in Cody's room laughing at you tube vidoes.
Today I was up early with Casey.  He went to the high school to play his violin so we got to have breakfast.  It was nice.  I went home at lunch to check Cody.  When I called to tell him I was on my way he said he did not feel well and that he had a 99.4 fever.  He has also been having some mild seizure activity.  By the time I got home, his temp was higher, 100.4 sends us in. I let him handle it and went back to work for him to call me on my short ride there to say it was higher and we needed to go in.  I walked in the office and walked out. We waited to see Casey and Nicole and got here at Sloan at 3:30.  The routine begins and hopefully antibiotics kick in.  He got a unit of platelets but red cells are good.  I had planned to do Thanksgiving early with Casey and Nicole on Saturday. That will not happen but maybe we can shoot for Sunday if Cody gets discharged hopefully Saturday.  Never cooked a fresh turkey, always frozen, so that might be our option.  I am assuming you do it the same way??? Keeping fingers crossed for a short and uneventful stay.

1 comment:

  1. Mary,

    I'm sorry that you've hit another bump in the road but I know that Cody will overcome this, too. I am glad you have Casey and Nicole with you to help keep everyone's spirits high.

    I have never cooked a frozen turkey and the only difference between the two is that you will have no defrosting turkey in your bathtub or refrigerator waiting and poking and watching!

    Have a wonderfully Happy Thanksgiving!

