Feeling very loved and lucky this way.
Today the Kids 4 Karing group from St. Matt's came to do my yard today. It was Grace SooHoo and her friend, Kara Lulley who coordinated it all. There were about 25 people in my yard raking, weeding and blowing leaves. Sr. Kay came to say hello too. Guess this is my message to get back to church on a regular basis. Well, there is not anything regular here but I will do my best.
No news on the blood which I am hoping is a good thing. If they call tomorrow and tell me he needs something, I will be a bit upset. He feels ok just too tired to move off the futon. He needs to let that body heal.
Casey and Nicole are driving and are in the Maryland area. I wish we would see them tonight but they will come to my work tomorrow. Casey brought his uniform and the kids love that. Looking forward to their visit.
Again, thanks to all those that came out today. I was truly touched and your hard work is deeply appreciated.
I'm hoping for good blood test results and that Cody starts to feel better as soon as Casey and Nicole walk through the door. Enjoy the visit, thinking of you both on this rainy day!
Little bump in the road but we will deal. This is what we do. Thank you. Xoxo