Friday, November 15, 2013

Nov. 15, 2013

Friday- Cody felt pretty good today. He's tired but getting better. His counts are still too low to go home. He did not have any pressure or fever issues during the night. Neurology came in and said the EEG was negative for the night. She wanted it on for today and also tonight. She is less concerned about an MRI but will do one soon.
We were able to do the simulation for radiation. Cody was nervous but did well. He got 5 little tattoos and they made a mold for him to lie in. They want him in the same position and need to beam the exact area each time.  We go the day after Thanksgiving to set up everything and will most likely begin on December 2, 2013. It will begin with a week of chemo. There will also be more transfusions during radiation. It all makes me so nervous.
Casey and their dad were up this afternoon. I wanted to come home to check the dogs and actually sleep so Cody is alone tonight. He's tired and off to sleep too. I will go back in the morning and hopefully he can go home. Prayers, my friends!  Thanks!

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