Monday, August 12, 2013

August 12, 2013

Monday-so we had some more visitors today.  Cody's cousin Katie visited us.  We picked her up and went to the lab to get Cody's blood drawn.  We left and decided to get a new fish so we drove to another fish store in Garden City/Westbury.  We went into the store and Cody was kinda leaning on the fish tank and needed to sit down.  There was a step ladder there and so he sat for a few.  We decided to go eat to see if he felt better.  I was for sure he needed blood. He felt better after lunch.  We went back to the fish store and picked out a cool fish.  He seemed fine the rest of the day. Katie left and we  visited with our neighbors, Sue and Emily and then decided to go eat.  Cody got the call at the restaurant that he was once again neutropenic.  He went ahead and ate but asked the manager to make sure the food was prepared with a bit more attention to cleanliness.  His hemoglobin is still good...for now.  We are to get another blood test on Thursday and it can be out here, and most likely go to Sloan on Friday.  Once he heard this, his spirits lifted right up.  We chilled at home and his friend Nikki came over.  We played a few games with grandpa and had a nice time.  Hoping for another good day tomorrow!
Please know, once again that I appreciate all of the support and thoughts from near and far.  I am lucky to have a family here and I feel the love from my family that is not here.  It has been great having dad here and maybe next time my stepmom will join him.  I appreciated my brother's visit and am wishing for my sister in law and the kids to come too, maybe with mom.  Casey and Nicole got a pass and visited and I wish that could happen more often.  It is difficult being so far apart especially during times like this but so thankful for our time together.  We are lucky to have so many on our side.  Thank you all for that.
Again...thanks to all of you for your continued support.  It is what helps me get through.  I mean that...xoxoxox


  1. Mary,

    It's great that Cody wants to be out doing things. I think having family and friends around is so beneficial for you both. You are lucky to have so many people who love you both and are in corner to offer help, love and encouragement. Count on us, too!


  2. We are so lucky in a lot of ways, Diane...we just talked about Tyler today..thinking of all of you...xoxoxox
