Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 3, 2011

Thursday-Well, yesterday was good until the evening rolled around. Cody was complaining that his g tube was hurting. I looked at it and was oozing and red. I started emailing the dr and she said to start him on another antibiotic and plan to bring him in tomorrow. Well, this created a lot of anxiety last night. I knew that the tube would need to be changed and Cody was freaking. It does not appear to hurt but it is very uncomfortable and makes you feel squirmish. He insisted on stopping his feeds at midnight so he could be put out today to do it. I did not do that as he could not be without any food or fluids for over 12 hours with any IV going. The plan was set for him to go in after school today since he did not want to miss it. So his dad picked him up and took him in today around 1:30. Well, from what I heard our favorite NP talked him into some valium and tried to change it. It came out but the new one would not go in. It was sore already so this only made it worse. Once it is out, it can start closing up right away. So he was whisked away to the procedure room and got anesthesia to put a new one in and thank God it was all successful and working. Long and emotional day and I was thinking I should have been there. I was pretty stressed from last night so maybe it was better I was not there. The bottom line is he got through it and we will make sure it gets changed when it needs to. He got a stress dose of steroids tonight and I will do it all again tomorrow and he should be fine. He is having dinner with his dad and I am looking forward to the end of a long week. TGIF!! We have a busy weekend with 2 hockey games and I actually get to get out on Saturday night...whoo hoo!

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