Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16, 2011

Wednesday-Good day...just booked tix to FL for Easter break. It has been over 2 years since we have been down. So excited just to get away for a few days. Cody is nervous about it but will do fine. I know he will. It will be our first step in getting away.
He had a good visit yesterday. He gained weight and the dr noticed that he is working out too. He was proud of that. He is still feeling nauseous but I really think it is more anxiety related. He was not nauseous all weekend and then it hit him Monday morning. We tweaked a few meds and he was much better today. He is doing well. I am happy. He may not need to go back till April 5th is the weight stays up. Nice job Cody.
We have been seeing and chatting with Casey on FB from time to time. He sounds good. I got a lot of donations from some of the teachers so I am sending a box out real soon. I hope to have a few boxes to send. He will be happy to get those handwarmers.
Looking forward to tomorrow, St. Patrick's day and going to a fundraiser and going with some great friends. I have not been out in so long with these guys so it will be a blast, I just know it. Getting up for work on Friday will not be so great but I will do it.
Have a good night everyone!

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