Yesterday and Sunday I baked my banana/chocolate chip bread and Cody had fun giving it out to his NP's and dr's. I will miss seeing them every week but I know I can go at anytime for the visits. Cody will go with his dad next Tuesday and I will go probably over the vacation.
We went to meet the kidney specialist at New York Hospital too today. He is concerned about the protein in Cody's urine. Cody is on a medication for blood pressure which can cause this but he needs the blood pressure medicine. We have to do a few more urine studies and see how it goes. I do not think it is anything serious but we have to look into it. I took some papers over to the kidney dr with us. I saw the one that our dr at Sloan wrote discussing Cody. She wrote: "Despite the hell he has been through (meaning Cody) including HHV6 encepalitis (brain swelling) from which he has full recovery, he is a wonderful kid with a great sense of humor."
Thanks, Dr. K.
We also got a call from Dowling College saying because of Cody's wonderful GPA, he does not have to take the SAT for this school. It is Cody's first choice right now so he was thrilled.
Another great call was from the soccer coach. He nominated Cody for a special 'courage award' given by a military captain and Cody got it. We have a dinner to go to and Cody will receive that. He will be surprised. There will be over 1000 people there. So exciting. That happens in 2 weeks. So happy for him.
Pretty good day and looking forward to meeting my class tomorrow!!!
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