Friday, October 15, 2010

October 14,2010

Thursday-Cody was very concerned about making the 'right decision' to have the pic line in. Ultimately, it was the drs choice, but he feels he pushed them. This made for a rough night of sleeping for him.
The day started out ok but then around lunchtime, Cody became nauseous and vomited. The antibiotics are strong. We just chilled for the rest of the afternoon. We cuddled in his bed and played games. He watched a movie and we just took it easy. It is quiet here as we are not on the peds floor. I made sure to get the clowns down here and enjoyed that today. His grandparents are here so his grandpa came for a while which helped pass the time and then his grandma came up. We took a walk downstairs and he nibbled on some soup. I went and got salad stuff for him and he ate two salads. He loves his wasabi peas so he ate a good portion of those too. His dad stopped in for a few minutes and then Cody went to bed. I know he was tired. Long, emotional and stressful day.
We are still waiting for cultures to come back. They are trying to identify the bacteria so they can be more specific with the right one to treat him. He is doing well overall and we hope to be home on Saturday.

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