Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October 13, 2010

Wednesday-What a day..It started out with a rough night of no sleep and then the resident coming in at 6 am and waking us with all the lights on. Then there was the pill dosage mix up. Thank goodness I am on top of it. The pic lines grew bacteria. So that had to be pulled. The resident and a NP that we are friendly with, thank goodness, came in to take it out. The resident has a shaking hand or tremor or something so when the line came out, she could not cut it. I had to take the scissors out of her hand and cut it while the NP took care of the site. Crazy.
This also meant a few IV sticks for lines in his hand. Then we are told we are on the schedule for 3 pm to get a new line. At 1:30 they come for Cody. I am downstairs eating lunch. I rush back up and just as we are about to leave the room, Cody is already on the stretcher, the dr comes to say that maybe we should wait for the line placement. Maybe we should wait till we get a negative culture back. Well, I am on board for that but Cody is not and he gets upset. I ask her to give us a few minutes and she calls our main dr who says it is ok to go ahead and do it. Cody knows I am thinking we should wait. He makes his decision to do it and then loses it again before we get in the elevator. We talk some more and head downstairs. He is not himself and keeps questioning it. Then we had to wait longer because his feeds were not cut off in time. He goes in for the procedure around 5. All is fine but he comes out with ringing in his ears. We had to wait in recovery a little longer. We get back to the room around 8 pm and he is upset again. His grandparents are here (Tim's parents) and he is quiet.
Let's hope that the new line does not grow anything. So on that note, I am calling it a night for a little while anyway. Include some extra prayers in our direction. Night all.

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