Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 20, 2010

Tuesday-Well, today is my birthday and I am not 50! I will explain that later.
We got up early and Cody was about to get showered and he vomited. It came out of nowhere. Thank goodness it was an isolated event but I was worried about it all day.
We went to get Nicole and went to Riverhead Aquarium for the day. I was a little disappointed with the place, a lot of things were not open. Cody and Nicole had a good time. We stopped at a TGIF's and Cody told them it was my bday so they came and sang.
Now for the '50' part. A few years ago, my good friend (Not my BEST friend! LOL) convinced SH to believe that I was 50. She (not mentioning her name but it is the same as mine) posted signs all over the school letting everyone that I was 50 (which I am still not). So we are ending a perfect day out with my only family members nearby and we turn down my nice, quaint street and then we see it. The nice tree at the end of my driveway which has yet to sprout much greenery (poor tree) was draped in crepe paper, so many colors. I glance up at the front door and there in GIANT shape made of blue construction paper are the numbers 5 and 0!! OMG!!!
The rest of the shrubbery that I have neglected for a year and a half are covered in the crepe paper and there are hideous kindergarten cutouts of cupcakes plastered to my windows and garage. It looked as though she had to have had help and lots of it! (The cupcakes are cute and are still up for Cody's bday next Tuesday.) So as for my other kindergarten teacher friends (well, I thought they were my friends) all I can say is "your day will come too". I am NOT 50. I know it does not look bad at all as one of these so called friends is indeed 50 or over and looks fabulous. (At least I am pretty sure she is older. Love ya Ro!)
So with that, I (no help for me) went out to clean the debris from my property and I have to be honest and say I had a smirk the whole time I was ripping the paper from my tree. I am especially glad to know that I have several, many in fact, friends that have not forgotten about me even though I am away from them. I am very lucky and blessed so thank you and thanks for the laughs and fun!
Sorry for the bad news and scary news but the night did not end so well. I had just given Cody one of his IV meds and he was about to walk into his room and could not get up. He was having bad chest pains and started to cry. He got really scared and told me to call an ambulance. I called Craig from next door and a fireman to come help me while I called 911. He sat with Cody, held his hand, and tried to keep him calm while I talked to 911 and got stuff together. The ambulance was there in a flash and did a few things, checking his vitals. His eyes were huge under the big oxygen mask and he was so scared, understandably so. He could not get up so a few of them lifted him onto the stretcher. Next thing I knew, I was following a screaming ambulance with my son in it, going to the local hospital in Plainview. I was so worried about him being somewhere other than Sloan and was on the phone every few minutes with the fellow at Sloan. She would call the attending and then call us back and the dr at Plainview would relay the status. They ran a few tests and lots of bloodwork and everything came back negative. After a few hours, the pain slowed down and it was decided we could go home knowing we had to be back at Sloan in the morning. He was still having tightness and we almost drove ourselves to Sloan rather than going home but decided to go home to sleep.
We got a few hours of sleep and would head to Sloan in the morning.
He was so upset about 'ruining my birthday'. I know he was more scared than anything. He kept hugging me telling me that I was the best mom he ever had. Not sure how many he has had but I took it as a compliment. He had me very upset and scared but he was able to sleep.
We have a long day ahead tomorrow.....Thanks again for all the birthday wishes...(I am not 50, MARY PICARELLO!!)

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