Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 14, 2010

Wednesday- I did not write today because I was too tired. For some reason, Cody's IV meds did not make it here until 1:30 a.m. I was on the phone at 9:30 and finally got it delivered by the on call pharmacist at 1:30. So one infusion is an hour long, then I start the 12 hour one. I have to check his blood sugars after 2 hours into the 12 hour one so you see, not much sleep for me. So we woke up for the tutor then went back to bed. We started our day at like 1 pm. We went to TGIF's and Cody ate a few bites there. We talked the drs into letting us go there just for his sesame jack chicken. He was so happy. It is progress. There was blood yesterday but none today. We took a nice drive too and Cody is doing well behind the wheel.

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