Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Home after a long day.  I wish Cody was.  It was so good to be with him.  We played a few cards games and it was pretty quiet there.  I know he forgot his antidepressant this morning and it was the first time I heard him complaining.  I know he has EVERY right to complain but he seemed a little depressed.  It could be just everything building up and kicking his butt.  He gets a steroid so he was eating a bunch of snacks today.  He ate a great lunch and then he nibbled at dinner.  I know he is bored there too.  Friday cannot come quick enough.
Saying prayers that he has a good night and a good day tomorrow.


  1. Mary,

    I am sure that once Cody is home surrounded by his pets, his friends and his Mom, he will be feeling better. Sleeping in your own bed is great medicine. It's only a few more days and then you can lavish him with attention until you annoy him enough for him to yell at you! Glad he's doing well despite the boredom and nature of what he's enduring. Love, hugs, kisses and good vibrations sent to you both!


  2. Diane, Just love reading your posts!!! I really do!! Brings a smile to my face ( and probably all that read it). You have a gift.
    Yes, heading in tomorrow and will be home tomorrow night...xoxoxoxoxxo
