Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2013

Cody did well yesterday.  He sounded good.  I sure miss not being there.  They did do a culture of his stool from the frequent diarrhea.  I kinda figured that was an issue.  Hoping it is nothing significant.
I will see him tomorrow and I cannot wait.  I had a hard time holding it together for a little while yesterday.  Not sure when it hits me, but it does.  My support at work has been amazing and continues each and every day. Love all of you!! My family checks in and would be here the second I asked.  I am lucky that way.
Thank you all and here's to an uneventful day.


  1. Mary,

    You are doing a great job working and caring for Cody and he is amazing getting treatment without you being there. You are strong beyond belief somehow being able to split yourself, I don't know if or how I would find the reserve to do what you are. Please call on me if you need anything. We are available for you both. Looking forward to this week ending and Cody being home with you and your pets! Chin up, one foot in front of the other and laugh whenever you can (not meaning to tell you what to do do just making suggestions... you can kick me if you'd like for it.)


  2. You are amazing too, Diane..a friend at work asked me about you. I got upset again telling our stories and how Cody and Tyler sat there with their Taco Bell that night. I remember being envious of you and Tyler sharing a movie and then laughing together. Little did I know, that is what we do. It is amazing beyond belief. I know your heart hurts on a daily basis and I cannot fathom what you do and how you have these amazing words in your soul to share with me. I don't get why this happens and why life is so difficult. We will never know. But it is tough.
    Thank you again and we need to get together...xoxoxoxox
