Tuesday, September 10, 2013

September 9, 2013

Monday (but it is Tuesday morning...I passed out way too early last night but guess I needed it!!)
A day of firsts...
Cody did his first dose of chemo today without me...I am sure it was harder for me to not be there.  I do think he might miss 'the comforts' of mom.  I can kinda hear that in his voice.  That won't hurt him but maybe when he gets testy with me, he will step back a little.  I missed him, that is for sure.  And I missed being there!  I will see him Tuesday for dinner!!!
The first day of school ran smoothly.  I do have some challenges this year.  This is a cute story I wanted to share.  I do not want to spoil the story but know that we got our class list a few days ago so I knew the kids' names in my class.  It is the first time that I have a "CODY" on my list.  My Cody and I joked about this and I just knew there would be something special about the Cody in my class.
So I am outside on the bus platform and the kids are being escorted to me. So far so good, I have about 12 kids on my line.  I look up and see the school psychologist and another teacher scooting, kinda escorting a little boy.  He is crying for his mom and resisting. The other teachers and I are looking and secretly hoping he is not in our class.  They make eye contact with me and I knew he was in my class. They get it to me and I join in on the 'escort' and we walk the boy into the hallway away from the other nervous little ones.  Once the kids see someone crying, then they will join in! I am trying to hold on to him and finally ask who he is .....The school psychologist smiles and says "Cody".  I knew it.  My Cody came into my world kicking and screaming so it only seemed fair that the next Cody I meet would do the same to me.  He hung out in the classroom by the window and I shut it once he saw his mom.  I did not want her to hear him.  Another teacher offered to stay with him and I went back out to meet the kids.  We all came into the room and I just left Cody standing at the window.  Once he heard me engaging with the kids, he started to listen and stopped crying.  I finally asked him to join us and he came over and he was fine!  He knew that I had a Cody at home and I shared a few stories and of course, he smiled.  He is adorable and would not stop talking the entire day.  Hoping today is a better day for him.  Thanks to all those that helped to make that transition go smoothly!!  (Thanks, Jenine and Jodi!!)
Thanks too to everyone asking about how my Cody did today.  I do appreciate it.  xoxoxox


  1. So proud to say that I was your Cody's kindergarten teacher!! He came to me a strong, brave little 5 year old...only fitting that at 20, he continues to be strong and brave...
