Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sept. 22, 2013

Sunday-Very quiet day.  Not sure if it is the medication or just that Cody is still recovering.  It is probably a combination of both.  He hates when I keep asking him how he is but this is what we do.  I try so hard to relax but kinda hard to. He ate well today but has just been lying around all day.  His friend did come hang out so I know he liked that.  He has been watching football most of the day.
I am just trying to get used to the new routine.  It is another busy week.  Let's just hope it all ends well and flies by.  I need another weekend!
Have a great night and Monday, my friends.  xoxoxoxo

1 comment:

  1. Mary,

    It's impossible not to worry and ask. I think you know innately how Cody's doing. I'm glad he's home and you can spend more time with him. Give him a hug for me and one for you, too!

