Tuesday, June 4, 2013

4 years later....June 4, 2013

Dear Friends and Family,
Four years ago today, Cody received his stem cells to cure his body of leukemia.  It was a day of reflection for us.  Last night Cody opened a bottle of Jones Soda and the message on the cap said : and I kid you not-"Tuesday is an important day for you".  We were both stunned.  Today was more than important.  We call it Cody's rebirth day.  By 'we', I mean me and Cody.  We are a team and have been since his diagnosis.  Well, even before that since he was a cranky baby and always "mommy's boy".  He did not want anyone but me!
On this day, 4 years ago, Cody received the new stem cells from donated umbilical cords.  He actually got 2 units.  He was doing a medical study at MSKCC.  The plan was for one unit to take and it did.  Cody's blood type changed and he was soon all donor cells.  It is an amazing process and cures so many of this dreadful disease.
I know that we all know and remember how hard Cody fought and how very sick he was.  Well, he is doing GREAT now! I thank God each day when I go wake him up for his pills before I leave for work.  It is my pleasure.  He is finished with 2 years of college already too now.  I am so very proud of him and I pray for his continued good health.
PS.  Casey is back in GA now and we are meeting in FL in just 18 days.  I will be together with my family and my boys.  I cannot wait!!!!
Safe, healthy and a happy summer to all of us!!
This is Cody being goofy at dinner tonight!!

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