Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 19, 2011

Wow, I cannot believe how fast May is flying by. It is such a busy time too. We just went to the pre prom meeting tonight. They really try to scare the kids with the drinking and driving issue. They scared me so I hope it works. I have been talking to Cody. I do not feel like he will have a good time going to the Hamptons with everyone. He will not be able to drink and I really think he will be bored. I have it worked out so he can just get his car after the prom and come home. I am hoping this is the case so he will not need me to come get him.
He has been feeling pretty good although today he did not feel like eating lunch. He did eat dinner so hoping it was just a fling for today and passes. He gets so worked up over it and feels so bad. He really worries about things quite a bit and I understand this.
Little Matisse is doing ok. He gets little setbacks but is doing well.

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