Monday, August 9, 2010

August 9, 2010

Monday-So what we are trying to find out now is if this incident is a result of his adrenal gland malfunctioning or was there an infection of some kind. The way I understand it is that the adrenal glands produce cortisone in times of stress. Because Cody has been getting all the steroids his adrenal glands might have become sluggish and there was a miscommunication from his brain. His gland has not needed to make some much cortisone because he was being given it. So it caused this reaction when we went down even more on the steroids on Thursday. If the endocrine drs do not feel this is the case then he will be treated as a blood infection requiring the antibiotics for a while.
He felt good today and I left for a while. We had a nurse here that we know well and she got him up and took him for a walk and hung out with him. He tried to nap later in the day but had a lot of interruptions. Jim came up this evening and we walked more. Earlier today he got the probiotic that the dr at NYU recommended (and interestingly enough, I gave it to him on Friday for the first time) and tonight he became nauseous and vomited again. He took one sip with his pills and up everything came almost instantly. We started his feeds at a very slow rate and I do not think it was that. He felt awful and fell alseep a little while ago.
Poor Cody- to see him so nauseous breaks my heart...

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