We found out today, the coach called me, that Cody was getting the "Coach's Award". We had planned on going but after the long day, Cody was just too tired. It is an honor to get this and we are sorry we will miss the speech but we it will be vidoetaped for us.
So we head back on Wednesday for surgical clearance and then we check in on Friday. He is getting a double lumen port. This is the access line that is under the skin. It will save him from having to be poked all the time. He had a single port way back in December. They are going to do a biopsy of his gut too just to rule out the rejection disease because of his diarrhea.
And then he is getting his feeding tube. We hope to leave on Saturday if all goes but I have a feeling we will be there till Monday.
So we are making the most of our days home this week. The plan is to get the tree up tomorrow. Our doggies are in their 'vacation' homes and they are going to stay for the week just to help them deal too. They seemed stressed last week.
So let's hope the plan does work this week and honestly, I can't wait for Friday.