Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 11, 2012

So here it is the 11th of January already!! Crazy.
Well, we did go back into Sloan last Monday because Cody sounded so horrible. We had to go to Urgent Care there but the good news is that it was not pneumonia. No new meds, we are told it is just part of the recovery period from RSV.
So it was a slow week so far and with Cody still getting a tiny bit better each day but now with head and ear pain. So after numerous emails to his doctor, he took a car service and went to see his main dr yesterday. We saw several doctors on the team but now I think his primary dr wanted to see him. SO he does have sinusitis now and fluid in his ear. He is back on another antibiotic and nose sprays and there is a cough medicine with codeine that I did not even fill because I know he will not take it. He is nibbling on food so thank goodness we still have the feeding tube. Thank goodness he took January off! He did not get to work the hockey game last night but maybe Thursday?? He missed his trip to Canada and maybe he will go for a few days next week.
Casey is back and in the swing of things. He is doing extensive training as he will be deploying again. Doesn't make sense to me but who am I? He is coming to the NY area at the end of February and we will see him then. He and Nicole are going to Canada for a few days too with her parents. I am really looking forward to some time when we can just be 'us'. I am planning a cruise next year for my birthday so that might be the best time. I worry each day about him but he is smart and doing what he likes.
Work is good. I have a great class. I enjoy seeing my great friends each day. Hoping this all continues for 2012.

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