Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 214 January 4, 2010

Monday-A mother should always trust her instincts. I had a feeling Cody was getting sick when he decided to rest most of yesterday. It is always hard to know. On one hand, I feel like he could be getting better and sleeping more because that is what teenagers do. On the other hand, I worry that is he getting sick which was the case. He got a fever around 9 then it went away. I got him up at 12 and he did not have one. Then he got up at 3:30 to use the bathroom and there was a significant amount of blood in his poop. I called on Friday with this issue but was told he did not need to come in. (Next time I will go with my gut.) So out into the bitter cold we go. We got here in record time, no traffic and stayed in urgent care till around 2 today. He was treated with lots of antibiotics and a stress dose of a steriod. Lots of cultures were taken. Finally we had a plan. He will be getting a high dose steriod to stop the inflammation in his bowel. He has been having more diarrhea and now vomiting here. The higher dose can cause his disorientation again so an MRI was ordered for tonight also. He is not a happy camper and feels pretty bad. We are here for about a week to get this under control once and for all. The bottom line is that it is an infection or it is the rejection. He is being treated for infections and the steriod will do the trick for the rejection. Let's just hope he escapes the mental aspect of it. He is nervous about the MRI but they are going to give him valium for it. Today he also needed platelets and a blood tranfusion. He lost a lot of blood. I will continue to keep this updated as we go along. Thanks for reading.

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