Saturday-Yesterday was Veteran's Day. Thanks to all those that served and continue to serve to protect us here. A very special thank you goes out to my boy, Casey. Your job scares me every day but I am very proud of you and I know you will always do the right thing and stay safe.
Yesterday we went to Sloan after not being there for 6 weeks. The weight is stable, not really gaining but we are trying. Cody gets only one can of feeds which is 250 calories. It is easy to cut that out. Do what I do, eat a bag of chips or a bowl of ice cream. We are allowed to cut that out and are slowly cutting back on the fluids. He is definitely drinking better. He got a few more immunization including tetanus and started hepatitis. He is a bit sore to say the least. He was a trooper and got all three at the same time, meaning three cute nurses and one assistant one.
On Tuesday, he had a tough day. A loose stool did not allow him to get to the bathroom in time while he was at school. He was humiliated to say the least. It was before class so he took the VERY long walk back to the car and I was able to meet him at home. Could have been caused by the senokot but not likely. More likely it was caused from the sugar free gummy bears he ate. Sugar free foods can do this because of the additives. He got the sugar free ones because he likes the texture better. We had to go back that evening for an alumni meeting and he was fine. I know some kids noticed and made a few comments as he walking but not any he knew. He went back to class on Thursday and we are kinda just not talking about it. He did tell the drs yesterday which I am shocked but this is where his support is. He continues to amaze me with his strong outlook.
We also got a call from Casey and he and Nicole are surprising him for Christmas. They are only coming for a few days and we will have to share that time with Nicole's family. Cody will be happy and any time I get with my son is appreciated. Now I have to keep it a secret!
Enjoy the upcoming holiday season my friends!