Wednesday-Well, summer is winding down. I am not too happy about it as I have enjoyed winging it and Cody has been feeling great!!
Next week he will go to Canada for a few days to see his dad. We have open house on Monday for Dowling and then he interviews for the internship with the Islanders on Tuesday. This weekend is another ride with the mini's.
Cody has been feeling good and is eating and drinking a lot too. He has had a couple outings with his friends. I think the kids are sad about leaving each other. One of his friend's, the Mincone family lost their dad. Cody knows one of the sons and I had one in kindergarten. We are going to a memorial service tomorrow night for that. I know he will see some of his friends there but not on a happy occasion.
I am worried about him going away but we both need this. He will do fine. He knows what to do. It is just an hour away by plane. Wish us luck, both of us!
Good luck to all the college kids that are leaving. I know how hard it is. I remember the day Casey left. Nicole is going to a meeting today and hopefully she will find out when Casey is coming home. He said he was packing when we last chatting so I hope that is a good sign!