Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 30, 2011

Sunday-More errands and some work to do here at home. We have been looking the sugar gliders at the mall and Cody really wants one. We will see. He got the OK from his dr too.
We were at the mall, as yesterday we found out he needed glasses. They are not for all the time but just for reading. He looks cute in them but he hates them.
Ready for a great work week and a busy week too. Two more weeks till Casey and Nicole get there too then my brother and family are coming on the 17th. Good times ahead!! Can't wait!

January 29, 2011

Satrurday-Nice day and we did lots of errands. He had his banquet night last night so we just chilled when we were not running around. I was able to get out to a very nice dinner with a friend tonight and had 3 glasses of wine!!! I have not done that in a loooong time. Good times and a great dinner at one of my fav restaurants- The Clubhouse. Yum- lobster.

January 28, 2011

Friday-and we had no heat again at like 3am!! Apparently while I thought a delivery was made, it was not. So now we have no oil. The guy comes at 4 am and he and I are out digging through 3 ft of snow to find the valve to the tank. He measures and we are out of oil. He adds a few gallons to hold us over till the morning when a delivery is made. SO now I am up at 4 and slept for like 30 more minutes before getting up for work. Cody has his global regents exam and a good friend had to come stay with him since we had to have an adult here. He does not feel too good about the exam but I am praying he passes. With the snow day, he will not go back to school until Tuesday. They have a make up day for the regents exams. So he will go Tuesday then to the hospital with his dad on Wednesday and then back to school Thursday and Friday. It will be so good for him to get back.

January 27, 2011

Thursday- A snow day! The night was not so great with us getting ready for bed and not having heat. The oil guy came out around 12 and got it working. He was waiting for it to heat up and went out in the snow and shoveled for me. It was really nice. We stayed in all day and did a little cleaning out. We got out later and got something to eat and went to get Cody a new shirt for the senior banquet tomorow. Nice day off, for sure!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January 26, 2011

Wednesday-More snow!! Cody took his spanish regents exam and got an 83 on it!!! Very happy for him. He is a smart boy!! He was anxious but feels good about that for sure. Attached is the video clip of the news segment that he was on. And hoping for a delay tomorrow so I can shovel my way out. Gonna be messy.

January 25, 2011

Tuesday-Cody left nice and early and headed to Sloan. It was supposed to be a short day but he got in to see the orthopedist regarding his knee pain. Not sure what is up, trying to schedule an MRI. He was tired. He was there for a news report that will be aired tomorrow night. He got great news and we got the letter for the return to school which is very exciting!!!
Up early tomorrow for his spanish regents!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 24, 2011

Monday-I went to work and made the arrangements for Cody to get to and from school. I spoke to the school nurse and got that squared away. Cody got up early today and I think he is just excited. His knee is really bothering him so he emailed his dr. He had his spanish tutor and we took her to the local mexican place and we had fun. Cody did not eat but he nibbled. We are chilling at home tonight and he goes back to Sloan tomorrow.

January 23, 2011

Sunday-So we got up and got ourselves ready and and went to the hockey game. We took Cody's friend Matt and we hung out and then we got to go to the locker room. Josh came out and greeted Cody and Matt and then they followed him to the locker room. They got some autographs and came out beaming. It was a great afternoon. I was so happy for them both.

January 22, 2011

Saturday-We hung around most of the day. We were tired and I really wanted Cody to rest so he could feel better and strong enough to go to the hockey game. The hospital called and said they identified the bacteria and Cody was started on linezolid. Hopefully he will begin to start to feel better. SO another day of relaxing...

January 21, 2011

Friday-So we ended up going back to Sloan last night and stayed until the day. Cody had a fever so that made us go back. Once we got there, there was no fever. He was checked out and we got back home around 2. I was sorry to have to call in sick again but this is what you have to do. We took a nice nap and just relaxed. Long day!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 20, 2011

Thursday-So I got up and went to work. It was an easy day. Cody had a long day of waiting, waiting to see the drs, waiting to go home, waiting for the long drive through the traffic too.
He did not get here until around 7 pm. He was up for about an hour then showered and went to bed. He is wiped out. I wish I did not have work tomorrow so I could hang with him. I have a feeling he will sleep. He is so cute, telling me he missed me. Of course, I missed it. Hoping for at best, a delay tomorrow, more snow is coming. Night all.

January 19, 2011

Wednesday-Well, there seems to be some pain and discomfort especially when urinating. Cody got some pain meds and three new drugs were started. We had a quiet day and were told we could go home tomorrow. I decided that since Cody's dad was coming that I would leave him with him for the night and go to work tomorrow and he could discharge him. went to bed. SO for the first time in over 2 years, Cody and I did not sleep within talking distance from each other. I came home and passed out.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 18, 2011

Tuesday-So the night was ok until Cody woke up. He had so much pain medication that he did not wake up for the bathroom. He was pretty embarrassed. In a way, that is good. The fact that he felt embarrassed makes me think he is so much better. I keep telling him that we are not here for the chronic issues he had before, no line infection and not here for diarrhea and/or vomiting.
They took him for procedure around 12 today. He came through it with flying colors but with lots of pain when he urinates. The good news is that the fistula is not connected to his bladder. Great news, actually. Still perplexed as to what this is but doing more viral studies. The course of action is fluids which he is getting lots of and pain management while we see if any viruses come back. He felt good other than the excruciating pain when he pees. He even ate an ice cream tonight! Hoping to get the good word to go home tomorrow or the next day.

Monday, January 17, 2011

january 17, 2011

Monday-Waiting for the drs to come and decide what the plan is. So this could be a virus, 2 different ones are being tested for, it could be that fistula causing problems, or it could be something with his bladder. So tomorrow he is going in at 10ish for a cystoscopy (If I spelled that right) where they go in through the penis and look into the bladder with a camera. Good thing he will be put out. We have not heard anything yet on the cultures and will see if they biopsy the bladder tomorrow. Today, no pain and pressure. Hopefully we will get to the bottom of this tomorrow.

January 16, 2011

Sunday-SO today was pretty good. We took it easy so we could feel strong enough to go to the hockey game tomorrow. Weird because at the same time, around 6 pm his cramping started and he had a 99.7 temp. They do not consider it a fever until he is 100.4. But then again, a fever can be masked when you are on steroids. So I called in and the fellow was not too helpful. It took an hour for her to call back. She said we did not need to come in but I was trying to convince her that we had had enough. I emailed our dr and she said to plan to come into clinic on Monday morning. I hung up the phone and Cody walks out of his room doubled over and crying in pain. SO I called her back and said we were on our way. It was another painful and scary ride with Cody crying. It honestly sounded like he was having a baby. Pretty scary. He was squeezing my hand so hard I thought it would break. We got here and got more pain meds and he calmed down. We agreed to be admitted. We got up to the floor around 1 am. ANother long night.

January 15, 2010

Saturday-We had a quiet day. We rested for most it and we were hoping with the new anti spasmotic meds and the 24 hour fluids to kick it. The cramps came this evening but we were able to curb it and was able to settle down. He slept through the night.

january 14, 2011

Friday-Well, we tried to sleep and hoped for the best. But at the same time, the pain began and we went back to Sloan. A CAT scan was ordered at midnight and it showed us an inflammation of the bladder. There is some concern for the fistula and did it tunnel through to his bladder. They are thinking this is not the case but it could be. Hoping not. We got home at 4 am and it would be a long day of rest for both of us.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 12, 2011

I tried to sleep on and off today and if you are not used to sleeping in the day, it was difficult. I was feeling like I might have a sinus infection so I decided to go to one of the emergency care places and sure enough, I do. So my head is full and achy and I cannot stop sneezing. Antibiotics, nose spray and mucinex for me.
Cody was fine, ate, went grocery shopping with me and we were settling in to watch a movie. He started with the pressure pain and tried to just relax and sleep. Well, it got increasingly worse and we went back to Sloan around 8pm. It was a really tough ride. He was crying in pain the whole way there and was really losing it. I felt awful and it made for a scary ride. Thank God there was no traffic and he had asked for pain meds so by the time we got there, the pain was subsiding. He was still doing the little pees and we did the fluids again. We went for a CAT scan at 12;15 and thank goodness that were was no obstruction. His bladder and urethra are swollen. They gave us anti spasmodic in case this happens again. They think it is all from the infection. Let's hope that does not happen again...he was really scared too. Thanks to Cody's uncle Jim who met us there after I called him. I asked him to go there to meet us so they would know it was an emergency.

January 11, 2011

It was a pretty good day until the evening. Cody told me that he was only urinating a little bit. He said it was hard to go and only a little was coming out. We were on the phone and trying to figure out what to do. We were about to go to the hockey game and he was not feeling so great. Drs wanted us to measure what was coming out. We threw the urinal to measure in a backpack and after he was so upset, we thought we would just sit there and wait till 11 like the drs said to see how much he put out. Once at the game into the first period, he was just too uncomfortable and said we should go to SLoan. So we drove back home to get some things and off we went. His urine showed a urinary tract infection and they gave him fluids and he was able to urinate. Needless to say we got home at 3 am and I had to call in sick for Friday.

January 12, 2011

Wednesday-I am still checking his sugars. It is getting better. Today was a snow day so I could keep a better eye on him. Definitely improving.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 11, 2011

Tuesday-Sugars are coming down so we did not have to go in today. I kinda wanted to have the day off but looks like we will have Wednesday off due to snow. I am feeling a little under the weather. I have been using the ear drops but I feel like I may be getting a sinus infection. My throat is really dry and I think my voice is getting hoarse. I came home today and Cody was at the school's basketball game. I had planned to rest but that did not happen. I was surprised to see a box here. It was really cool. It was from Jeff Dunham, the comedian we went to see. I had emailed a fan club person and asked if we could meet him. She said that was not possible but she offered to send an autographed photo out to Cody. Not only was there a nice photo and addressed to Cody right on it but a puppet of the character he loves and a t shirt and lots of other goodies that he was sooooo excited about! I have to get a thank out. That was really special.
He spent the afternoon with Brittany, so glad he has her and we both crashed pretty early last night. And....we got the news that tomorrow is a SNOW DAY-I can live with that.

January 10, 2011

Monday-Well, I was really hoping for a better start to this week. I was all set to leave for work and did Cody's finger stick for his blood sugars and he was very high again. So I went to work thinking I would need to leave but they adjusted his insulin again and I jetted back home to give him a dose and then checked him throughout the day. I left an email for Dr. K last night and she agreed to switch him back from prednisone to hydrocortisone. He seems to be more affected mentally (he is very cranky and irritable) and then it messes with his blood sugar. Not sure why it was even switched back but I am thinking that was a mistake. I have not been going to Sloan and I think it was just an oversight and switched on accident. So back on hydrocortisone but not sure how long it will take for the prednisone to get out of his system. We will continue to monitor sugars and see if we have to go in tomorrow.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 9,2011

Sunday-I was up early and did Cody's pills and then went back to bed. I slept till around 11. I wish I could do that every day. I kept a close watch on his sugars and am hoping we get this worked out. Cody went to the race track and watched a big race there today. I ran a few errands and got groceries before picking him up and taking him to eat. Sitting here now and watching the hockey game...hoping for a snow day this week, Yes, I really am!!

January 8, 2011

Saturday-Well, today was not so good. I noticed that Cody had passed a lot of urine during the night. I checked his blood sugar and it was almost 600! So I called in and we had to go to Sloan's emergency room. He got some fluids and insulin and this took the entire day. We stopped at Ikea on the way home to see if we could get any ideas for his TV room. We got home around 6 and we were pooped. I was so looking to chilling all day but will get that tomorrow. Good night all.

January 7, 2011

Friday-Glad this week is OVER! Cody ended up having his science teacher here since he did not have her this week. It was a quiet afternoon and we are looking forward to a quiet weekend.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6, 2011

Thursday-Is this week over? I woke up and got Cody up and was hustling around. I was cleaning my ears and bumped into the wall upstairs in bathroom and the q tip jammed into my ear causing me such pain. When I calmed down, I checked and it was bleeding. Anyway I had it checked out at my ENT today and I punctured it. No water and antibiotic drops and pain meds and no hearing loss but takes time to heal. VERY painful.
Cody had a tough day at Sloan as he lost weight and had high blood sugar. He got over it but we have to work on his eating and back to more on the feeds. He ate better today and looks better.
Long day for both of us and now bedtime. Oh how I would love a snow day tomorrow but does not look like we are getting it. :( Night all.....

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Jan.5, 2011

Wednesday-The day did not start out so well. The chimney work was done yesterday and that was a bigger job than I thought and costed a LOT more. I woke up today without heat. So no hot water either. I got the repair guys to come and went to move my car and the car sputtered and would not start. I eventually did but I had to leave it at the dealer today. I have a rental. When it rains it pours. We do have heat, boiler all fixed so hoping that stays that way. I am so tired from the stress. I feel beat up! But all is working or getting fixed. I stopped home for lunch. I had talked to Cody on the way home and told him he should have a lunch fixed for me. I opened the door and smelled food. He cooked some old leftovers for me and had it all set up. Very sweet but I could not eat the food. He is going to make a great husband some day.

Jan. 4, 2011

Tuesday-Cody got the best news today-he got accepted into Dowling with a scholarship!! He did not have to take the SAT either. SO proud of him and he is so happy. Now we have to get the rest of the money to pay. Lots of scholarships to apply for. But I am happy for him!! He went with Brittany to his school's basketball game and had a good time.

Jan. 3, 2011

Monday-Back to work and it was a tough one. It is hard to get up. Cody did well and the day flew by. It will take a few days to get back into the swing of things but all seems good so far.

Jan. 2, 2011

Sunday-We got lots done today. We still had to make our way through the snow but I tried to get lots done so I could be back at work and have a good start to the week. Not ready for the vacation to end. Cody said he liked having me home too. He was mushy tonight and said he could not have gotten through this without me. I told him we are a team and this is what we do. He replied "Yes, but you are a captain!" He is so funny and so appreciative. Love that boy!!

Jan. 1, 2011

Happy New Year! What a nice day to just stay home and that is what we did. It was a nice, relaxing day. Hope this year is a good one for all of us. Cody and I talked about resolutions and he wants to get stronger and be more in charge of his meds. I am with him!
The afternoon was not so great. We were able to watch everyone speak about Cody's grandfather at the wake/ceremony. It was sad to see the grandkids speak. Once I saw Casey there in uniform I got upset. He spoke on Cody's behalf and did a great job. He also spoke for himself. Nicole did too and I was proud of both of them. Love you all so much.
RIP Ron Byrnes

Saturday, January 1, 2011

December 31, 2010

Friday-Happy New Year. Today we hung out and did ichat with all his relatives in FL for the funeral. My friend, Jean stopped over and Lauren, Cody's friend that is recovering from leukemia came over. We all got lunch and did a little shopping. It was fun and a good afternoon. Cody and I hung out at home tonight and watched the Islanders win again which was great! We did not make it up till midnight. At like 10:30 we pretended it was New Year's and did our countdown and went to bed! So funny. So here's to a happier and healthier 2011! Here's to a safe deployment for Casey and an even safer return. We are looking forward to his visit in February!!!

December 30, 2010

Thursday-We are enjoying our week off and just keeping a close watch on Cody. He seems fine now and is back to eating. We bought 2 new games for his Kinect Xbox and one is dancing so we are having fun with that. Quiet day and enjoying the time off.